Category: Linux in Educational Technology

Linux-Based Augmented Reality Glasses: A Device Overview
Linux in Educational Technology

Linux: A Solution for Remote Student Engagement in Educational Technology

In today's digital era, technology has become an integral part of education. With the recent shift to remote learning due to the global pandemic, educators and students have faced numerous challenges in maintaining engagement and productivity. One viable solution that has gained significant traction in the educational technology landscape is the adoption of Linux operating systems.
Using Docker for Data Science Workflows: Simplifying Model Deployment
Linux in Educational Technology

Cybersecurity Education Powered by Linux in Educational Technology

As the digital world continues to evolve, so does the need for robust cybersecurity measures. With increasing incidents of cyber attacks and data breaches, it has become imperative to educate and train individuals in the field of cybersecurity. In this article, we will explore how Linux, a popular open-source operating system, is playing a significant role in cybersecurity education within the educational technology sector.